We all have reproductive stories.
I’m here to help you write yours.
Welcome! My name is Ashley Halverson, and my passion for supporting reproductive mental health comes from professional and personal experiences.
I have worked with pregnant/postpartum parents as a psychotherapist and as a hospital social worker. I have supported individuals experiencing NICU admissions, loss, and reproductive trauma.
I saw friends and family experience postpartum depression, infertility, sudden menopause, a NICU stay, and raise a child with complex medical needs. You don’t have to worry if I “get it” or explain it to me. Since I already have knowledge of these experiences, we can focus on what you need and want.
I am also trained as a Perinatal Mental Health Certified (PMH-C) therapist through Postpartum Support International.
In my free time, you can find me spending time with my husband, eating delicious food, turning my compost, riding my bike, or dancing my heart out.
I look forward to working with you as you navigate this season of your life.
Our Approach
Your story is uniquely yours. The greatest thing about you is you. Let’s take your strengths and experiences and build on them.
We believe fiercely in self-compassion. Drawing form Dr. Kristen Neff's research, we will find a way to work in self compassion in our sessions.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a therapy that looks at how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected. Together, we will examine your thoughts and beliefs to see if there’s room for change.
This is an attachment-based therapy to improve relationships and build your support system so you can start to feel better. You need support through your challenges.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This therapy is for trauma. Want to know more? Watch this Youtube Video.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker - California Board of Behavioral Sciences LCSW #99739
Masters in Social Work (2017) - San Diego State University, Thammasat University
Thesis - “Intimate Partner Victimization of Transgender People and Access to Social Services”
Perinatal Mental Health Certification (2022) - Postpartum Support International
EMDR Trained (2022) - EMDRIA
IPT Basic Training (2020) - IPT Institute
My Education, Certifications, & Training
My PRofessional Affiliations
Postpartum Support International Member
Postpartum Health Alliance Member
Our Values
Choice and Autonomy